Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard’s Podcast

Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
Tuesday Feb 10, 2015
Have you ever wondered why we Lutherans focus so much on the doctrine of baptism? Have you ever had someone respond with extreme negativity towards you over the teaching of infant baptism?What is occurring in this rejection; what is going on beneath the surface?Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit with Rod Zwonitzer of the "Cross Defense" Radio Show on 850 KFUO-AM St. Louis, MO. We visited on the subject of infant baptism and why some Christians oppose it.This conversation with Rod was very enjoyable and was Part Two. You can access Part One of this conversation by CLICKING HERE. We covered a lot of ground and did so in a fun conversational style. Thus, enjoy the program as you learn about the precious doctrine of Baptism.

Saturday Jan 24, 2015
Issues, Etc: Jesus - Prophet, Priest and King
Saturday Jan 24, 2015
Saturday Jan 24, 2015
Interview of Pastor Matt Richard by Todd Wilken on Issues, Etc.Original Airing Date: January 13, 2015

Thursday Nov 20, 2014
Cross Defense: The Apologetic of Infant Baptism with Christians Opposed To It
Thursday Nov 20, 2014
Thursday Nov 20, 2014
Many non-sacramental Christians perceive us sacramental Christians as legalistic and weak in faith. What is behind this and how should we make our defense? Direction of theology; mingling of justification and sanctification; Law and Gospel distinguished; God gifting or humans acting in obedience?; Does the depravity of original sin allow decision to believe and be baptized without God’s grace in the means of grace?

Monday Nov 03, 2014
Steadfast Throwdown: Predestination Part 2
Monday Nov 03, 2014
Monday Nov 03, 2014
Pr. Matt Richard continues discussing his paper, “Why the Doctrine of Predestination Matters.” What happens when we try to reconcile the seemingly contradictory doctrines of 1) original sin with 2) God’s justification of the sinner and 3) God’s eternal election? Why should we keep these doctrines “in tension” according to God’s Word? Is the teaching of predestination a threatening or a comforting doctrine?

Friday Oct 31, 2014
Issues, Etc: The Dangers of an Experiential Interpretation of the Bible
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Todd Wilken of Issues, Etc. interviews Pastor Matt Richard the dangers of an experiential interpretation of the BIble.Original Airing Date: October 31, 2014

Friday Oct 31, 2014
Steadfast Throwdown: Predestination Part 1
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Pr. Matt Richard enters the “Throwdown” ring to discuss his paper, “Why the Doctrine of Predestination Matters.” Is the doctrine of predestination simply some useless wrangling among theologians, or does it really mean something for every Christian? What happened during the 19th century when various Lutheran church bodies debated this doctrine? How can you best answer the age-old question(s), “Why are some saved and not others?”

Friday Oct 31, 2014
Issues, Etc: Generational Growth Of The Church
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Todd Wilken of Issues, Etc. interviews Pastor Matt Richard on differences between generational growth and church growth methods.Original Airing Date: September 23, 2014

Friday Oct 31, 2014
Issues, Etc: The Cross In Lutheran Theology
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Todd Wilken of Issues, Etc. interviews Pastor Matt Richard on the central message of Lutheran theology - Christ-crucified.Original Airing Date: August 22, 2014

Friday Sep 19, 2014
Steadfast Throwdown: The Galesburg Rule
Friday Sep 19, 2014
Friday Sep 19, 2014
Original Airing Date: September 1, 2014In this segment of Round 21, Pr. Matt Richard joins us to discuss matters of church fellowship and “The Galesburg Rule”–the rule that says, “Lutheran pulpits are for Lutheran ministers only. Lutheran altars are for Lutheran communicants only.” Listen as he takes on Samuel Simon Schmucker and Benjamin Kurtz. You won’t want to miss Pr. Richard’s modern adaptation of “The Galesburg Rule”!

Sunday Aug 17, 2014
Sunday Aug 17, 2014
Interview of Pastor Matt Richard by Rev. Todd Wilken of Issues, Etc.Original Airing Date: July 10, 2014

Thursday May 29, 2014
Steadfast Throwdown: THAT AIN’T NO CHURCH!
Thursday May 29, 2014
Thursday May 29, 2014
Original Aiing Date: May 26, 2014Pr. Matt Richard helps us discern ways to recognize and define what is “the church.” Is it a group of like-minded believers sharing a common goal? Is it a place where a lot of different activities can be evident throughout the week? What are we to make of a church that does not have the busy-bee activity or a church that may suffer from tensions and even divisions? Are they still “church”? Pr. Richard also explains what he means by “fallible marks” and “infallible marks” of the church.

Sunday May 25, 2014
KFUO Concord Matters: The Second Article of the Creed
Sunday May 25, 2014
Sunday May 25, 2014
Date: May 17, 2014Today we talk about Creeds and Evangelicals, why creeds, creeds vs. experience, apologetics and creeds, history, narrative, facts, faith, postmodern remedy, Pontius Pilate, crucifixion, burial, death of Jesus, Christ’s descent into Hell, Resurrection of Jesus, ascension of Jesus, authority, power, dominion, judgment day, objective confession, subjective belief, redemption, original sin, corruption, lost, condemned, rebellious, Jesus victory for us.Hosted by Rev. Joshua Scheer.With guests Rev. Dr. Matt Richard (Pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Gwinner, ND) and Rev. Sam Schuldheisz (Pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Huntington Beach, CA).CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL LINK

Friday Apr 04, 2014
Steadfast Throwdown: A Little Liquid Drano Won’t Hurt Anyone
Friday Apr 04, 2014
Friday Apr 04, 2014
Interview of Pastor Matt Richard by Pr. Randy Asburry and Pr. Eric Andersen of "Steadfast Throwdown"Original Airing Date: April 4, 2014

Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Fighting for the Faith: A Little Liquid Drano Won't Hurt Anyone
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Interview of Pastor Matt Richard by Chris Rosebrough of the Fighting for the Faith. Original Airing Date: March 11, 2014Note: Program edited to second half of program only.

Saturday Feb 22, 2014
Issues, Etc: From American Evangelicalism To Confessional Lutheranism
Saturday Feb 22, 2014
Saturday Feb 22, 2014
Interview of Pastor Matt Richard by Rev. Todd Wilken of Issues, Etc.Original Airing Date: February 21, 2014

Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Pulpit and Pen Program: The Evangelical Exodus To Confessional Faith
Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Interview of Pastor Matt Richard by Pastor JD Hall of the "Pulpit and Pen Program."Original Airing Date: January 7, 2014Interview Begins At: 29:55